Wednesday, February 10, 2010


India is the capital of Diabetes mellitus, a serious concern f or life.

This condition occurs when your blood glucose (sugar level) shoots up due to various reasons. One of the main reason is HERIDITARY, our fore fathers and fathers leave us will or not, they leave disease s (lol).
Preventing DM is not in our hands, but maintaing blood glucose levels are very much in our hands.

There is always a myth that blood glucose level will increase only when you have sugars, chocolates, sweets, etc, so cutting down on sugars and having sugar pills, which is not advisable will not maintain your glucose level.

One must understand the mechanism; it is not sugar or sweet, its carbohydrates that you eat, gets metabolized by a liver hormone called INSULIN, it’s mechanism is more like a lock and key; when you eat food, it triggers the liver to secret insulin which will act immediately and convert it in to glucose, and vice – versa when you don’t eat.

NOTE: this is why you feel dizzy when you starve, as glucose is the only source through which your brain gets energy.

So, all that matters is the form of carbohydrates you consume, it is concentrated much on sugars because they are simple carbohydrates and gets digested easily and absorbed in the blood stream. So, its complex carbs which is usually prescribed to delay the time of glucose absorption.

Now that we know what happens exactly. There will be a question popping up, what do I eat?


Eat lots of fibers – they help in delaying digestion; drink lots of water, about 2 – 2 ½ l – help in cleaning your system; avoid taking sugars, banana, fruits juices, sweets, roots and tubers.
Include whole grains – more of wheat than rice, whole fruits (50gms/day), milk and milk products.

Important note: do not depend on bitter gourd juice, fenugreek seeds, etc in empty stomach as they will have side effects like low blood glucose level which is equally hazardous. This will occur due to the fact that you will be on drugs which will have an impact on the glucose level, further intake of unprescribed treatment will lead to worse conditions.

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